Mark your calendars:
Sunday, April 19th
Yippee! The construction is over with, and “1st John” and “2nd John” have left the premises!
Join us at 12 noon on April 19th for the new Kitchen & Bathroom Dedication — and — potluck lunch in K-Hall
Tuesday, May 19th
Swap & Shop is back, ladies! Join us from 7-9 for a fun evening and tell your friends, too. Details in the weekly newsletter and on the flyer you will find soon in your mailboxes. Please see sign-up sheet in the narthex.
Sunday, May 31st
We will celebrate the service of Pastor Rozelle to Holy Cross at one service at 10am followed by a potluck lunch under the tent. Details will be forthcoming.
For other upcoming events not listed here, please see calendar of events. Thanks!
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study Group meets every Tuesday morning in the HCCC conference room around 9:30am to study various topics of interest as it relates to the Bible. For the month of April, the schedule is as follows:
April 7th.: “Seedy Characters”–Without God’s grace we are indeed hopelessly filthy and polluted.
April 21st.: “Living With Pain. Life Plan Disrupted.”
April 28th.: “Living With Pain. What About Healing?”
So ladies of Holy Cross, please join us when you can as we “dig into” God’s Word and enjoy some fellowship too. The coffee pot is on and we always have “something special” to go along with it!
CAYA Gathering Postponed
Due to current renovations, CAYA Gatherings are postponed. CAYA is dedicated to living lives of meaning, impact, and community as we learn to follow Jesus. CAYA longs to connect Millennials/Hipster-Generation to Jesus.
Habitat Buffalo
Thank you Holy Cross for the February benevolence of $145. As Habitat builds houses, neighborhoods are stabilized with owner-occupied homes. The city benefits as houses go back on the tax roles. Construction materials are bought locally thus supporting the area economy. With your gift, you are part of a healthy cycle in the city.
A reminder: Habitat Buffalo is having its 30th Birthday Bash on Saturday, April 18, at 6 p.m. at Ilio DePaolo’s Restaurant. Tickets are $30 (one for each year) and must be purchased ahead of time from the office at 204-0740 x 105. Come and enjoy the evening!
Heritage Home
Holy Cross Church is now considered part of the Integration into the Community Program at the Heritage Home. We have been serving the residents for close to 25 years.
Sunday, April 26, at 10 am will be our next visit with the Bible story, “Zacchaeus Meets Jesus,” Luke 19:1-10. It is always fun to sing “Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man” and make a simple craft with our friends there as we also talk, pray, and sing.
Dash’s Receipts
Please remember to save those Dash’s receipts and get them turned in! The money we receive goes to Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to Lorraine Woodman who continues to tabulate the receipts.
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email Pastor Randy at pastorrandy8900@gmail.com, or contact Pastor Belasic at 716-803-5710 or email dbelasiced@verizon.net to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion. In Jesus, Pastor Randy and Barb Wachtel (Parish Nurse)