For your listening pleasure…
Holy Cross 11:00am Easter morning worshippers heard this Easter Anthem sung by the choir and accompanied by a string quartet (Amie Vredenberg, Jim Ieda, Derek Chazen, Katie Weissman): Click here to listen if you missed it:
Audio PlayerSpring Adult Inquirers Class Beginning April 5
Holy Cross offers a Spring “Adult Inquirers” class for members, prospective members and the community to better understand how Lutherans teach and apply the Christian faith. This class focuses specifically on what the Bible teaches about key elements of the Christian faith. The class will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesdays, beginning April 5, in the Holy Cross Christian Center (next door to the church). The schedule is:
~ April 5 What is the Bible and how do we use it?
~ April 12 What are the Bible’s central teachings?
~ April 19 (no class – pastor at conference)
~ April 26 What does the Bible say about human weakness and what’s to be done about it?
~ May 3 What does the Bible say God does today to assure our salvation?
~ May 10 What does the Bible say about prayer?
Applebee’s Fundraiser for Holy Cross Youth
Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause.
Join the Holy Cross Lutheran Church Youth Group for breakfast on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 – 10:00 am. Tickets go on sale April 3rd. They are $7.00 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the cause. The breakfast will be at Applebee’s located at 5017 Transit Road, Williamsville.
He-Brews meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, usually at 7:30 pm; at a member home or at a local restaurant. In March we met at Mike Tomaino’s home. We do not stay out late as most have to work in the morning. A typical gathering starts with fellowship followed by a Christian video presentation (often from Right-Now Media) and discussion. You do not need to drink beer to join us, other beverages both with and without alcohol are often enjoyed. All are welcome – including neighbors and friends, to come and see serious support given to fellow members and a willingness to help others and our church. He-Brews is open to all men, young and old. April’s meeting location TBA.
Information has been posted for the upcoming LWML convention in Krampitz Hall. I am unable to attend the meetings. Holy Cross would benefit from having someone attend the meetings and learn how Holy Cross can help in other ways. Please consider getting involved in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. If you fill the mite boxes before I announce a collection date please just drop them in my mailbox.
Thank you,
Nancy Herdic
Dash’s Receipts
Dash’s receipts are now being donated to Hearts for the Homeless. The van they use to deliver meals 4 to 5 nights a week in downtown Buffalo is dying. This van needs to be replaced. This wonderful mission really needs our support. We will be using the funds from the Dash’s receipts to help Hearts for the Homeless moving forward. Thank you to everyone who faithfully brings in their receipts and to Lorraine Woodman who tallies them up. Keep up the good work!
Thank you,
Jill Carl
Women’s Bible Study Group
The Women’s Bible Study Group meets Tuesdays (except for the 2nd Tuesday of the month) in the conference room of HCCC. We like to begin our social time at 9:30am with a study begin time of 9:45- around 11am. We are lay led, as participants volunteer each week to facilitate a particular lesson. We also volunteer to bring “goodies” from our kitchens to go with our coffee. We will finish the 10 week study called: Ministry with Heart and Hands by R. Paul Stevens. These studies explore Biblical examples of service in many spheres of life that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love. You will discover that whoever you are, you are a full-time servant of Jesus Christ. The April 5th lesson completes this study with the title: “Doing Something Beautiful for God” – Mary, with the text from Mark 14: 1-9. We will then have lunch out to discuss this 10 week study book. For April 19th and 26th, Pastor Nickel will lead us in the study of the Apostle’s Creed and the 10 Commandments. For those of you who missed his Adult Inquirer’s class in January, we would like you to join us. That includes not only ladies, but gentlemen too! The coffee pot is on and we always have sweet treats to accompany it! So join us anytime you can!
Confirmation Sunday
This year, Confirmation Sunday is May 15 (Pentecost Sunday), when our confirmands will publicly confess (“put a voice to”) their baptismal faith before God and the Holy Cross congregation. Our confirmation students (and parents!) have been working diligently: memorizing the books of the Bible, studying Bible history and the Small Catechism, and working out what they actually believe and how they will live their faith in Jesus Christ. On Sunday, May 8, our five 1st-year confirmands (7th graders) will take an oral examination (by Pastor Nickel) in which they will show their ability to share the good news of Jesus Christ in the course of a 5-7 minute conversation. They will complete their confirmation instruction during the next year (with a strong focus on the Small Catechism). On Saturday, May 14, our thirteen 2nd year confirmands will take their final examination on the six chief parts of the Small Catechism with their meanings, selected Bible verses, and selected catechism questions & answers before the Pastor, elders, parents & families. Our 2nd year confirmands are: Evan Brooks, James DiCostanzo, Christopher Diem, Aidan Folck, Anthony Ludwig, Madeline Olsen, Logan Overton, Lauren Roberts, Emma Roland, Erin Roland, Ian Ropach, Madison West and Charles Wood. Please keep our confirmands (and their families) in your prayers as they prepare for their vow “to continue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it” (Revelation 2:10) as part of their lifelong process of maturing in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Care-Ring Circle
To all the Care-Ringers who provide meals for those in need, Thank you! Until you have experienced the love and generosity from our Holy Cross family, you couldn’t know how much it is appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering to make a meal for those in need please contact Doreen Borschel at 688-8096. I will add you to the list of volunteers in our email group.
Camp Pioneer Golf Benefit
The annual Pioneer golf benefit is set for Friday, June 10th, at the Diamond Hawk Golf Course in Cheektowaga. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Early registrations (before May 1st) are only $130.00 per golfer (includes super-ticket for all contests). If you are not a golfer, please consider sponsoring a hole (cost of $150). Proceeds of the benefit will assist children of our military enjoy a week at Camp. For more information about the Benefit (registration and sponsorships) please call Camp Pioneer at 549-1420. Last year the quota of 120 golfers was reached very early. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Heritage Home
Our next visit with our friends at the Heritage Home will be on Sunday, April 24, at 10 a.m. The Easter story, “Jesus Is Alive Again,” from Luke 24 and John 20 will be the Bible piece of the hour along with singing, praying, and making a simple craft, all to share our Lord’s love again and again.
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff, please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.