Christian Education Theme
Continue to pray for the Christian Education year and our theme: “LinktIn.” In First Corinthians 12:13 Paul declares, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” Not only have we been “LinktIn” to Jesus in baptism, but we have been “LinktIn” to one another—the Body of Christ. We invite you to join one of our age-appropriate groups (Pre-K – Adult) on Sunday mornings as “LinktIn” we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Youth Christian Education
Join us in the Upper Room of HRCC on Sundays at 9:30 for video series and relevant topics. Remember also to bring your tithe/offering with you as we continue to sponsor Godwin in Togo, Africa, through Compassion International. Just $32 every month provides Godwin with education, Christian instruction, medical and dietary needs. See you soon! Friends are always encouraged!
Adult Christian Education
Join us on Sunday mornings in the HCCC main floor classroom from 9:30 – 10:30 as we open God’s Word and listen to Him speak into our hearts and lives. All are welcome and bring a friend!
Confirmation News
What’s with the ruckus in Krampitz Hall? We have 17 youth in confirmation class, plus their parents! Half of our fellowship hall is full as we study God’s Word and Luther’s Small Catechism together. Peak in sometime between 9:30 – 10:30 on Sunday mornings and see how amazing this is — pastor’s largest class ever!