Holy Cross Joins the Joyful Response Program
Tired of writing a check every Sunday? (Tired of having to pay for more blank checks?) Holy Cross is pleased to announce that we have joined the Lutheran Church Extension Society’s “Joyful Response” program. This automatic banking system enables Holy Cross members and friends to use electronic banking for their donations. The donor can select any amount for their donation, and have this done at whatever frequency the donor desires. This system even allows donors to designate their gift to established restricted funds, (e.g. Dream Fund or Building Fund, etc). Best of all, the LCES does not take any fees or commissions for doing this. Please feel free to see any council member if you have questions. Enrollment forms are in the narthex, and for your privacy, completed forms should be returned to our Financial Secretary, Susan Brooks. Thanks for considering!

Rally Day Success!
Thanks to everyone for attending and all their help with the Rally Day Church Picnic! Once again Holy Crossers stepped up to fill the breach left by my poor planning. There are too many people to name in a thank you note, but please be sure your generous donation of food, time and talent is greatly appreciated by all. We hope everyone had fun and that we all look forward to growing in discipleship with our Christian Education program.
And please say an extra thanks to God for all the great people at Holy Cross in your daily prayer.
Thanks again,
New email address
The new church email address is: holycrossclarence@gmail.com
I will continue to check the Verizon email address until it is no longer available to us. Please begin to use the new address moving forward.
November Criss Cross Deadline
Please submit any items for the September Criss Cross no later than November 17th. Items can be left on my desk, in my mailbox, or can sent via email to: holycrossclarence@gmail.com
Thank you,
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email Pastor Randy at pastorrandy8900@gmail.com and let me know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion. In Jesus, Pastor Randy and Barb Wachtel (Parish Nurse)
Heritage Home
Sunday, October 26, at 10 a.m. will be our next visit to the Heritage Home, just west of the church past Harris Hill. The staff is welcoming, the ten residents are eager to see us and hear the Bible story of the day. This time it will be “Peter Walks on the Sea,” Matthew 14:222-33. It is a privilege to do this mission; please pray for its witness.
Habitat Buffalo
Thank you for your gifts in August of $143 and $34. Habitat is built solidly upon the faith of many people who feel called by God to support this housing ministry. You all are an integral part of this practical vision that has the potential of transforming lives and communities locally, nationally, and internationally.
BUFFALO ZONE – Registration Fee $3.00
Sunday, October 5th 2014@ 1:30 pm Hananiah Lutheran Church, 900 Genesee St., Buffalo
Mission & Ministries of Hananiah, Including of tour of the facilities.
There will also be a brief business meeting, Election of President and Treasurer and devotions.
Please bring a bag lunch. Dessert and beverages will be provided.
GIFTS FROM THE HEART is gathering Items needed for Hananiah:
Men’s & Women’s business clothing; non perishable food items; monetary donations
Car Pooling will be available from Salem, Buffalo. Please contact Claire Carlson at 649-4678 if interested in riding in the 15-passenger van. We will leave promptly at 1 pm.