Dear Holy Cross family and friends,
At 80 million strong, the Millennial Generation (born 1980s – 2000) is the largest age grouping in American history. Generally, you can find this generation any where except in church. In fact, on any given Sunday across America only 4% of Generation Y (late teens – 30s) is in worship, making Generation Y the least-churched generation in American history. Moreover, though many Gen Ys say they believe in God, they don’t go to church because they do not identify with institutionalization of it. Meaning: if WE, the Church, want to reach this generation with Jesus, we cannot do church like we’ve always done it and still expect Millennials to walk through the doors on Sunday mornings. This generation will simply continue to be absent in most congregations.
However, we believe (1) that God made this generation; (2) that He has great things He wants to accomplish through them; and (3) that we cannot lose this generation in church. So Holy Cross has been working hard to launch a new ministry specifically designed to reach Gen Y with Jesus.
It’s here! The countdown is on!
On June 2nd, we are launching CAYA Gathering (“Come As You Are”). CAYA will gather the first Monday of every month in a casual, authentic, coffee-culture setting that challenges Millennials to reject apathy and live lives of meaning, impact, and community. No dressing up. No hymnals or organs or liturgy or fabricated prayers. Just a raw, authentic community learning to follow Jesus together. Though starting in our fellowship hall for practical reasons, our goal as CAYA grows is to move to a school cafeteria or similar setting for future gatherings.
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Local worship band, Elmwood Drive, will kick off CAYA on Monday evening!!!
6:30pm Doors open. Meet up with friends. Visit the coffee bar.
7:00pm Music begins.
7:25pm Group Talk. Each gathering will have a topic ready to meet Gen Y right where they’re at in life. Bring smart phones or tablets to follow along.
7:45-8:30pm Hang out time.
8:30 Gathering closes.
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Do you have Millennial children or grandchildren who don’t go to church? Grab a flier and encourage them to give CAYA a try. We want them to know Jesus too. To that end, please pray for CAYA and its launch on June 2nd!
In Jesus,

Pastor Randy Rozelle