Wednesday, December 2:
- Noon Advent Devotions – K-Hall
- 6:00 pm Soup Supper
- 7:00 Advent Worship @ St. John’s Lutheran Church, Orchard Park
- 8:00 am Worship Service
- 9:30 am Children’s Program Rehearsal & Confirmation
- 11:00 am Worship Service
- 4:00 & 7:00 pm Christmas Candlelight Vespers, First Trinity Lutheran Church, Tonawanda
Wednesday, December 9:
- Noon Advent Devotions – K-Hall
- 6:00pm Soup Supper
- 7:00 pm Advent Worship @ St. Luke Cheektowaga
Sunday, December 13:
- 8:00 am Worship Service
- 9:30 am Children’s Program Rehearsal & Confirmation
- 11:00 am Worship Service
- 12:15 Voter’s Assembly meeting
Wednesday, December 16:
- Noon Advent Devotions – K-Hall
- 6:00pm Soup Supper
- 7:00 pm Advent Worship @ Holy Cross
Sunday, December 20:
- 10:00 am Children’s Worship Program
Christmas Eve:
- Worship times 4:00, 7:00 and 10:00pm
Christmas Day:
- 10:00 am Christmas Worship
Sunday, December 27:
- 8:00 am Worship Service
- 9:30 am Confirmation make-up class
- 11:00 am Worship Service
Holy Cross Sunday School Christmas Program Band
The Holy Cross Church Band will again be participating in the Sunday School Christmas Program.
Youth 6th grade and up and adults who play band or orchestra instruments are invited to play! Please contact Sue Tichy at (or 685-3894) to let us know you can play ASAP.
Rehearsals are: Sunday Dec. 6 during Sunday School time Sunday Dec. 13 during Sunday School time Sat. Dec. 19 in the morning
Please bring a music stand.
The Christmas program is: Sunday Dec. 20 at 10:00 am.
~Thanks, Sue Tichy
Annual Voters Meeting and Council
Please mark your calendars for the December’s Voters Assembly Meeting, which will be held on December 13th following the second service. At this meeting we will review the 2015 results and review/approve a budget for 2016.
(To be sent before the meeting.) Also, per our constitution and by-laws, all positions except Financial Secretary are up for election this year. And this year, we are once again blessed that all the currently serving members except Council Secretary are offering and able to serve again. But, anyone seeking to run for one of the following positions is encouraged to talk to any council member or Nancy Cote, our volunteer coordinator. Thanks for your support and attendance at this important meeting.

On Wednesday December 16th 2015, Holy Cross will host the advent dinner and service:
Holy Cross Weather Related Closings
In the unlikely event that Holy Cross will have a weather related delay or cancellation, we will post notices on WGRZ, channel 2.
This information is also available on line at
Adult Inquirers Class Beginning January 6
Do you want to learn more about the Christian faith?
Pastor Nickel will be teaching a 5-week “Adult Inquirers” class on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm beginning January 6th. We will meet in the conference room of the Holy Cross Christian Center. The class is intended for prospective new adult members of Holy Cross, adults who may have been baptized but not yet confirmed, Holy Cross members wishing a “refresher” of confirmation class from an adult perspective, and anyone in the community inquiring about the Lutheran understanding of the basic Christian faith. We will focus on the 6 chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism (10 Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and Confession & Absolution). This class offers you an informal setting to discuss and ask questions about what we believe, as we grow in faith together, as well as a chance to meet some new people at Holy Cross outside of Sunday morning.
Dash’s Receipts
Our mighty mini mission did it again! We received another check from Dashs for $250. Thanks to everyone who faithfully brings in their receipts and to Lorraine Woodman for doing the tallying. Keep up the good work!
~Thank you, Jill Carl
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.
Heritage Home
We will Christmas carol with our friends at the Heritage Home on Sunday, December 27, at 10 a.m. The joy of the season will sound in the residents’ voices from “Jingle Bells” to “Joy to the World.” Sue & Rudy Tichy will join us with guitar accompaniment. And we will have cookies to munch. Do join us in sharing the birth of our Lord Jesus with the residents and staff just west on Sheridan Drive. (For more info., contact Margaret and Ron Talboys)
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you Holy Cross for making this a wonderful and memorable Christmas for children all over the world! Operation Christmas Child was huge success thanks to the caring and giving of the Holy Cross family. Thanks be to God for the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and for the faithful service and mercy of this Christian organization. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas.
~Connie Donnelly