Hearts for the Homeless Collection

collectionA huge thank you to all who donated food/drink items to Hearts for the Homeless. We were able to put together a very sizable amount of items in a very short time.

Please keep recycling and remember to drop things off at the big yellow bin in our parking lot. They will even accept items that are ripped, tattered or stained. If the items can’t be sold in their resale shop they can be recycled in other ways.

Also, please keep in mind that old shoes, sneakers, boots etc. can also be donated. Blankets, sheets, drapes — any type of textile — can be reused or recycled. Let’s do our part to be good stewarts of this beautiful earth that God gave us and to assist those who are benefited by Hearts for the Homeless. Find out more about what they do at: www.heartsforthehomeless.org.

~ Pat Garlapo & Jill Carl