It’s that time again for our Hebrews get together and this month we will be visiting a new establishment for the first time. Marvin’s Bar and Grill located at 7675 Goodrich Rd. across the street from St. Paul’s Church will be our location starting at 7pm.
A couple reminders for the group. First, we all really enjoy the time of fellowship together but let’s please remember to be responsible. I certainly have had a few moments over the years where I have had a little too much fun and we never want to cross that line where we can lose our good judgment and possibly endanger ourselves and others by driving under the influence. The second is to make an effort to reach out to a friend, a neighbor, or relative and bring them along to a Hebrews. Some guys find it difficult to take that step into a Church and we want Hebrews to be a great way to hear the Gospel. Lastly, in the spirit of giving, please try to bring a can or 2 of food along to help the less fortunate. These days are getting tougher financially for all of us and there are many families these days who could use some extra help.
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday!