Dear Family and Friends in Christ,
By now it’s no secret that stores are preparing for Christmas shoppers: classic carols, Christmas trees, glimmering lights, dangling ornaments… It’s the most colorful, wonderful, flashing, dazzling time of the year.
However, I believe that Christmas is also the most-busy time of the year: emails, phone calls, Christmas cards, ads, travel arrangements, parties, in-laws, family… We need to hit the brakes, take a deep breath, and absorb the true meaning of Christmas in our frenzied culture — hence the blessing of Advent.
Advent is preparatory in its very nature. It comes from two Latin words: ad-venire meaning “to come to,” and its about stepping back from the chaos to prepare our hearts and homes for what really matters — the coming of our Savior King.
How do we prepare for the coming King? We prepare in the same way that John the Baptist told his hearers to prepare for Jesus’ first coming: with repentant hearts and firm faith in who Jesus really is: the Messiah, the Savior, the very Son of God who has come into the world and is coming again!
To help us step back from the frenzy and prepare for the coming King, we offer family devotionals in the Narthex; mid-week Advent services with fellow believers; reflective Sunday worship; a children’s Christmas play; and meaningful Christmas Eve worship.
May we step back this Advent season and prepare for our coming King!
Come, King Jesus!

Pastor Randy Rozelle