Dear Family and Friends in Christ,
As we begin this New Year at Holy Cross, the word of the LORD in Numbers 11:16-17 comes to the fore:
“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Gather for Me 70 men…whom you know to be the elders of the people…and bring them to the tent of meeting, and let them take their stand there with you. And I will come down and talk with you there. And I will take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone.’”
Moses did not have to lead nor do the LORD’s work by himself; rather, God would surround Moses with gifted and wise and passionate and Spirit-filled laity who would stand courageously at his side as he led the people of God.
On Sunday, December 14, Holy Cross Voters appointed several leaders to lead:
- President: Tom Marzano
- Maintenance Chair: Paul Donnelly
- Vice President: Sam Gugliuzza
- Secretary: Laurie Garner
- Treasurer: John Zachau
- Congregational Life Coordinator: Laura Scarantine
- Financial Secretary: Susan Brooks
- Youth Coordinator: Andrea Wiepert
- Chair Elder: Peter Olsen
We are blessed to officially install them as the 2015 Council at Holy Cross on Sunday, January 4th! Love them. Support them. Encourage them. Pray for them. The pastor cannot do the ministry that he is called to do here without these leadersstanding by his side. Committed laity are one of God’s greatest gifts to His local Church.
A Blessed New Year!

Pastor Randy Rozelle
Pastor Randy Ministry Update
On Monday, December 8, I was officially accepted as a doctoral student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. I have three years to complete my Doctor of Ministry degree; my degree concentration is expository preaching (preaching verse-by-verse through passages/books of Scripture). Our goal is to move to the Wheatfield area sometime this spring so that Angie and our children have a closer commute to St. John’s Lutheran School. I will ask Holy Cross for a peaceful release from my call for the end of May. My first week-long, intensive class at Louisville is in the beginning of July. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement on this journey. God is good!