Dear Family and Friends of Holy Cross,
In Luke 9:51 we’re told that Jesus “…set His face to go to Jerusalem.” The time had come for His journey to Jerusalem and the cross that awaited Him there. His mission: to restore our broken relationship with the Father.
Thus, during the forty days of Lent — from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (not counting Sundays) — we, too, set our faces to Jerusalem and the final Passover Lamb who was slain there.
Here’s how we want to help you personalize your journey there with Jesus. First, our Sunday worship is more reflective of Jesus’ suffering and death in its music, readings, and prayers. Second, I invite you and your family (if applicable) to join the Wednesday evening soup-suppers and worship services with our Christian brothers and sisters in the Buffalo North Circuit as we face the cross together. The mid-week rotation is listed below. Third, you and your family can pick up a Lenten devotional in the lobby to help you mediate through Word and prayer.
During this season of Lent, we journey to Jerusalem, too.
In Jesus,

Pastor Randy Rozelle
Mid-Week Lenten Series: “Restored in Christ”
Soup Supper — 6:00pm • Hymn Sing — 7:15pm • Worship — 7:30pm
2-18: Ash Wednesday at Holy Cross 7:30pm (NO SUPPER)
2-25: St. Luke, 900 Maryvale Dr, Cheektowaga — Broken Vessel
3-04: Nazareth, 265 Skillen St., Buffalo 3-11: Pilgrim, 44 Chapel Rd, Kenmore — Broken Bread
3-18: St. John, 67 Litchfield Ave Depew — Broken Promises
3-25: Our Savior, 26 Brunswick Blvd, Buffalo —Broken Justice