Gospel Seder Meal in K-Hall and Lord’s Supper in the Sanctuary
A sign-up sheet has placed in the Narthex for the Gospel Seder Meal on Thursday, March 24, at 6:30pm.
Please sign up to bring an item to share. Also please be sure to give us a count so we can be prepared. If you have any questions please see Linda Cummings or one of the other members of the Women’s Ministry Group. Thank you.
Lenten Devotions & Lenten Services
Midweek Lenten Devotions continue on Wednesdays at noon in the HCCC conference room through March 16.
Evening Lenten services will be held at Holy Cross on March 2, and will be at our sister LCMS congregations in the area on other Wednesday evenings throughout Lent. The theme for these services is “The Parables of Lent”.
Wednesday, March 2
Noon – Devotions in HCCC conference room
6:00 pm Soup Supper @ Holy Cross
7:30 pm Lenten Service @ Holy Cross
Sunday, March 6
8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
9:30 am All ages Christian Education
11:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday, March 9
Noon – Devotions in HCCC conference room
6:00 pm Soup Supper @ Pilgrim, Kenmore
7:30 pm Lenten Service @ Pilgrim 44 Chapel Rd., Kenmore
Sunday, March 13
8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
9:30 am All ages Christian Education
11:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday, March 16
Noon – Devotions in HCCC conference room
6:00 pm Soup Supper @ Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Buffalo
7:30 pm Lenten Service @ Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 26 Brunswick Blvd, Buffalo
Sunday, March 20
8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
9:30 am All ages Christian Education
11:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Thursday, March 24
6:30 pm Gospel Seder Meal in K-Hall
followed by Lord’s Supper in Sanctuary
Good Friday, March 25
7:30 pm Tenebrae Service, Holy Cross
Easter Sunday, March 27
8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
11:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Potluck breakfast between services
Holy Baptism
On Sunday, March 13, 2016, Holy Cross welcomed Ayla Kay Dulaney in Holy Baptism. Ayla is shown here with her father and mother, Hunter and Jennifer Dulaney, and Pastor Nickel.

Women’s Bible Study Group
The Women’s Bible Study Group meets Tuesdays (except for the 2nd Tuesday of the month) in the conference room of HCCC. We like to begin our social time at 9:30am with a study begin time of 9:45- around 11am. We are lay led, as participants volunteer each week to facilitate a particular lesson. We also volunteer to bring “goodies” from our kitchens to go with our coffee.
“We are just about to finish the 10 week study called: Ministry with Heart and Hands by R. Paul Stevens. These studies explore Biblical examples of service in many spheres of life that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love. You will discover that whoever you are, you are a full-time servant of Jesus Christ.
Our March 1st lesson is titled: “Helping Friends Find Strength in God: Jonathan.” (with texts from 1 Samuel 17, 18, 20 and 23).
The lesson for March 15th is called: “Providing for One’s Family: The Entrepreneurial Woman”. (with texts from Proverbs 31).
“Building Unity: Paul”, is our study for March 22nd. (with texts from Romans 15, I Corinthians 16 and 2 Corinthians 8).
We wind down the month of March on the 29th, with the lesson: “Seeking the Welfare of the City: Erastus”. (with texts from Jeremiah 29, Romans 16, Acts 19 and 1 Peter 2).
We invite women of all ages to join us for an in-depth study hour with lots of sharing and fellowship. The coffee pot is on and we always have sweet treats to accompany it! So join us anytime you can!
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff, please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email holycrossclarence@gmail.com
to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.
Heritage House
Our monthly visit to Heritage House will not take place this month due to Easter Sunday falling on the 27th. Please look for information on our visit for next month in the April Criss Cross. If you have any questions or would like information please see Margaret Talboys.
Information has been posted for the upcoming LWML convention in Krampitz Hall. Holy Cross does not have a representative from our church. I have been collecting Mites for them, but am unable to attend the meetings. Holy Cross would benefit from having someone attend the meetings and learn how Holy Cross can help in other ways. Please consider getting involved in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
If you fill the mite boxes before I announce a collection date please just drop them in my mailbox.
Thank you, Nancy Herdic