March News and Updates

Lenten Dinner & Service on March 7th:

The Season of Lent Service is March 7th. Soup and sandwiches start at 6:00 pm and service at 7:30. A signup is in the Narthex for anyone wishing to bring sandwiches or desserts. Thank you so much.
-Bob Hamp

Holy Week Schedule at Holy Cross

Sunday March 25th — Palm Sunday Divine Service at 8:00am & 11:00am

Wednesday March 28th — Noon Lenten Devotions

Thursday March 29th — Holy Maundy Thursday Service 7:00pm

Friday March 30th — Good Friday Service 7:00pm

Sunday April 1st — Easter Sunday Divine Services at 8:00am & 11:00am


Easter Brunch at Pioneer Camp & Retreat Center: Annual Easter brunch at Pioneer Camp and Retreat Center 9324 Lake Shore Road Angola, NY. Saturday March 31st 10:00am-2:00pm. Egg hunt at 10:30am. Reservations required. RSVP by March 17th. Call 716 549-1420 X10 to make your reservation today!


Lunch Lenten Devotions:

Join us each Wednesday at noon in the HCCC during the Lenten season.

March 7th “The Word of the Cross”

March 14th “Not By Bread Alone”

March 21st “Today….in Paradise”

Visioning Update:
All – as a follow-up to our update at both services last Sunday, attached is a summary of the congregational retreat on February 17th.  We will also be available between services this Sunday (March 4th) to review the results and next steps, as well as answer any questions.  Otherwise please see Pastor, Dave, Francis, Peter or Scott.  Thank you again for all of your input. 

Easter Egg Hunt:

Holy Cross

easter Egg-stravaganza!

                                                        Join us for a Bible storyegg hunt, and refreshments!  Bring your baskets and your friends!

Saturday, March 24th  @10:00 am  in Krampitz Hall


Easter Breakfast:

Easter Breakfast will be offered again -It’s very well constructed with those who can bring breakfast items do so, and all who like to eat and greet come to do that!  It’s held between the services. Easter services are 8am and 11 am. Everyone is invited – especially your guests.   -Sue Fay

Our Savior Fish Fry:

Holy Cross family…the Church offers a great resource in RightNow Media.  It is like the Netflix for Christian Bible study.  It is a online library that can used for both individual and group Bible studies. It has great content for kids (great cartoons!) through adults on a ton of topics. It’s for everyone.  
If you already have access, be sure to check it out as there is some great new content.  Not sure if you have access, go to  You simply log in with your email address. If you don’t, just send Dave Chalmers or Peter Olsen an email and we will get you signed up.  You can also now download the app for RightNow Media through Apple TV, Roku, or Android. 
Exercise Class:
Tuesday will begin a new session for our Tuesday evening exercise class.  The cost is $3/class pay as you go or $15 for the entire session.  We meet in Krampitz Hall each Tuesday night from 5:30-6:30 PM.  This class is open to all levels, genders, abilities! Come have fun as you get healthier!  Please contact Ruth Marzano with any questions at
Lutheran “3-0” Radio: Broadcast Schedule and a call for volunteers: 
Holy Cross will sponsor “Lutheran 3-0” on WXRL 1300 AM from 9:00-9:30am on Sundays.  “Lutheran 3-0” precedes the Lutheran the Lutheran Hour on WXRL on Sundays. If you would like to help be a part of this ministry as a lay reader, sound or technical person or in any other capacity please see Pastor for more information.
From Building & Grounds Chairman Doug Garlapo: I would like to express a sincere thank you to Paul Donnelly for all of his help and assistance over the past several months. Paul has been (and continues to be) my “go-to” person for many of the last minute tasks. These include changing the sign for all the special services, changing thermostat settings for all the special services, shoveling & salting around door entrances, and meeting with contractors as well as other tasks. Paul has definitely lightened my workload. Very much appreciated Paul!!! The 2018 Budget includes proposals for 3 lighting projects. I would like to update you on those. One is to replace the floodlight bulbs in the Sanctuary with LED bulbs. To do this safely, we will be renting a lift. In order to maneuver the machine in the main doors, it has been decided to wait until we are past the snow season. Second, none of the lights are functioning around the upper exterior of HCCC. The plan is to replace all of them with LED fixtures, and I would expect this to be done in the spring also. Third is to address the exterior lighting and parking lot lighting at the church. This is the largest project and will require planning and contractor quotes. The goal is to be able to eliminate the overhead wires, but the challenge may be the rock in this area. There will be further updates on this project in the coming months.  
February 2018

Congregational Retreat and Visioning Outcome

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Together in God’s Word and love, we boldly go to sow and grow Christ’s kingdom!

On Saturday, February 17, we held the second Congregational Retreat of our visioning endeavor at Holy Cross.   

The Mortgage Burning.  In grateful thanks to our heavenly Father who provides all things, to His Son, the Lord of the Church, and to the Holy Spirit who calls us by the Gospel, we started the Congregational Retreat with a ceremonial burning of the mortgage for the Holy Cross Christian Center.   Tom Marzano, our current president, passed a copy of the PAID-IN-FULL mortgage to Pat Ludwig, who was president of Holy Cross in 2006 when we acquired the Holy Cross Christian Center building.  As Pat held the mortgage with tongs, Peter Olsen, current chair of our Elders, ignited it with an acolyte’s taper and all the assembled members of Holy Cross sang Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.  Pastor Nickel led us in a prayer of thanksgiving for the faith, wisdom, resources and sense of common purpose by which God blessed us and led us during the time of this undertaking.

We thank God also for the work of His kingdom that has occurred in the Holy Cross Christian Center since 2006 as Sunday School teachers and children, youth and youth leaders, council members, elders, pastors, staff, Holy Cross members, mothers of preschoolers, visitors and others have gathered to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others in this place.  We pray that the Lord will continue to guide us to do His will.

Review of Small Group Visioning Input.  The Elders led an overview of the input received from the 10 small group visioning meetings we held in January and February.  May God bless all 69 individuals who were able to participate in these small group meetings.   Our bold vision of what Holy Cross looks like in 2025:

  • We will be bigger as we grow those who follow Christ!
  • We will be more recognized in the community.
  • We will have impacted others in need – both in our community and far away.
  • We will have more fellowship opportunities among all members.
  • We will help those with disabilities and special needs.
  • We will have used the Dream Fund.
  • We will be stronger and deeper in our faith.
  • We will have more outside groups use Holy Cross’ facilities.

Developing a Congregational Strategy.  How will we get there?  At the retreat, we reviewed the more than 33 “sowing and growing” ministry ideas that came out of the small group meetings (and brainstormed a number more) and who we would be trying to reach with them.   And we asked ourselves how we would like to be involved.  LCMS Eastern District President Chris Wicher encouraged us to consider our congregational strategy in terms of three levels of a triangle or pyramid:

  1. the base of the triangle is the internal infrastructure (both facilities and the structure of our current Word and Sacrament ministry) which all congregations naturally address inwardly;
  2. the middle level consists of the outward efforts of the congregation to reach the community, such as by having 3-6 “blessing” events per year in which Holy Cross simply acts to bless our community with no expectation of a return; and
  3. the tip of the triangle is 1-2 partnerships with other congregations where we strengthen each other by sharing our strengths and build our common purpose (Christ’s kingdom).

Led by the Holy Spirit, we then cast votes to decide which ministry initiatives have the highest priority in terms of current focus.  By far, the 5 ministry initiatives that generated the most energy are:

  1. enhancing our current physical facilities to make them more welcoming and safe (the base of the triangle);
  2. enhancing our current staff with the potential addition of a Director of Christian Education (also mainly the base of the triangle);
  3. re-starting a Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers program (the center of the triangle);
  4. organizing mission trips and relief efforts both locally and distant (the center of the triangle); and
  5. partnering more closely with Lutheran Church of Our Saviorin Buffalo (the tip of the triangle).

Next Steps.  We then broke up in small groups to begin to flesh out what our next steps might look like in terms of leadership, participation, support, resources and timing.  Some participants in our small groups included:

  1. Physical facilities – Nancy Cote,…
  2. Director of Christian Education – Wendy Shelton, George Schettler, Diana Zubrzycki, Pastor Nickel
  3. Mothers of Pre-Schoolers – Bob Corneck, Francis Cote, Katie Chalmers, Linda Cummings
  4. Mission/Relief trips – Tom Marzano, Jeff Allen, Rachel Nickel…
  5. Lutheran Church of Our Savior – Dave Chalmers, Bob Hamp…

Go! And Serve the Lord!  Last June we launched our strategic visioning process to help us continue to grow in God’s Word and fulfill the “planting” and “watering” that the Apostle Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians.  Paul reminds us that God calls us together for a purpose, and urges us to maintain unity.  

Through your participation and feedback in our visioning process, we updated our Mission Statement and affirmed the gifts and strengths God has given us to advance His kingdom together.  In the meantime, God provided the resources, faith and wisdom through you, the members of Holy Cross, to pay off our mortgage 99 months early.  We now have been led to focus first on just 5 specific ministry efforts to strengthen or initiate.  Our collective mission is now to do this boldly and together.

We encourage your joyful participation in our continuing journey to advance God’s Kingdom and our faith.  If you were not able to make it to the congregational retreat, please prayerfully consider supporting and getting involved in one of these 5 ministry initiatives.   If you have any questions, or feedback, and were not able to attend the congregational retreat, please reach out to someone who was, or to Pastor Nickel, the Elders (Peter Olsen, Scott Brooks, Francis Cote, David Chalmers), the Council (Tom Marzano, Bob Hamp, Susan Brooks, John Zachau, Courtney West, Doug Garlapo, Laura Scarantine, Alex Hartley).   

The Lord gives us many opportunities to plant the seeds in the hearts of those around us.  Prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit is calling you to help plant and water those seeds – whether it is leading, participating, praying, or supporting it financially.  There is a role for everyone.  Consider how the Lord has blessed and gifted you, and how the Lord may use your gifts in Holy Cross’ mission – “Together in God’s Word and love, we boldly go to sow and grow Christ’s kingdom” – and vision.  Read 1 Corinthians 12  and pray that the Holy Spirit will help you know your own spiritual gifts, increase them in your heart, and show you the opportunities before you now to use them to magnify His kingdom.

May our Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, bless you, increase your faith, draw you closer to Himself, and use you to build His kingdom according to His holy will.

Peace be with you!

Pastor Nickel