“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk,
that by it you may grow up into salvation –
if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:1-3
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As Thanksgiving approaches, we think about good food and hospitality. Chances are, we may invite people over to our homes, or we may be invited to someone else’s home for dinner.
Have you been invited over for dinner by someone, perhaps who is from a different culture or just has a different cooking style than you’re used to? Did the food tasted “funny”?
We might be tempted to tell a “white lie” and say we like the food even if we don’t, in an effort to be polite. Worse, we might afterwards say something malicious to people who are more “like us” or more used to the same things we’re used to. But food offered in Christian fellowship is given to us by God through another part of the body of Christ.
Psalm 34 reminds us, “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.” Yet the very same psalm offers a Gospel message: “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” It points forward to our Savior, Jesus, who died and rose to forgive our hypocrisy and deceitfulness. He gives us His own body and blood so that we may taste and see that He is good. In the Sacrament of the Altar His goodness becomes part of us. It empowers us to forgive and build the body of Christ.
Through Word and Sacrament the Holy Spirit offers the pure spiritual milk that nourishes us into salvation. When Jesus comes again in glory we will be grown up fully into salvation, because we have tasted that the Lord is good!
Dear Jesus, You earned our salvation. Grant that we may taste the pure spiritual milk of Your goodness that nourishes us into salvation. Amen.
May our Lord Jesus Christ keep you and me in the one true faith now and forever,
~Pastor Nickel