Pioneer Camp and Retreat Center
Dear Friends in Christ,
Thank you for your generous gift of $207.00. Your gift will be put towards advancing Pioneer’s ministry – warming lives through the Son.
Through your support and partnership, you are helping to powerfully shine the Son’s light into the world around us. Please know that your gift is a life-changing blessing for so many lives in need – it’s bringing help, hope, and healing into the hearts and lives of God’s beloved children. For 70 years Pioneer has been a warm place in the Son, a shining light amidst the darkness, and we continue to shine brightly through your compassion and giving. Thank you for your Spirit-led, heartfelt gift.
In His Service,
Rev. Alexander H. Knowles, Executive Director
Dash’s Receipts
Please remember to save those Dash’s receipts and get them turned in! The money we receive goes to Habitat for Humanity Buffalo. We recently received another check for $200 from the collection of these receipts! Thank you to everyone who has been turning them in! Thanks to Lorraine Woodman for tallying them for us! Keep them coming!
Habitat Buffalo
Thank you to Holy Cross for your continued monthly support of Habitat Buffalo. October has two fundraising events for you to enjoy as you attend:
October 2 – DIY Art Show at the ReStore South, 1675 South Park, from 6-9 pm
October 9 – Pure PearlLeague Strawberry Jam Concert at Ironworkers Local 6, 196 Orchard Park Road, W. Seneca
Further information: Ron Talboys or the Habitat office at 204-0740.
Heritage Home
On Sunday, October 25, at 10 a.m., we will make our monthly visit to the Heritage Home. The Bible story will be “Jesus Choses Helpers,” recorded in the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. We will talk about how we are all Jesus’ helpers, including the residents: Lorraine, Janice, Colleen, Mary Rose, Betty, Gail, Terry, Ed, John, and David, plus, of course, staff at the residence. Songs will include Kumbayuh, Gospel Light, followed by prayer and an appropriate simple project. We all learn in the faith from each other! (for more information contact Margaret and Ron Talboys)
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email holycrossclarence@gmail.com to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.
Let There be Light
A big thank you goes out to the Handleys for their renovation for our outside lighting. Specifically Beth, Kenny, Oscar and Ken replaced the sconces outside of the church and all the lampposts along the driveway. They also fixed the high intensity lights for the parking lot. They even had the foresight to put in outlets at the base of each lamppost for use with Christmas lighting. This was a much needed repair for the safety and aesthetics of our facility. Thanks, Handleys!
VBS follow up:
Cory Shelton and Courtney Stefanik want to again extend a HUGE THANK YOU to ALL the wonderful volunteers for this year’s WILD WEST VBS at Holy Cross! All the parts of the town: Campfire Songs, Trading Post, the Rodeo, Blacksmith’s Shop, the Snack Parlour and all the group leaders and youth helpers — what a fabulous program!! The week got better and better as it went along with good weather, lots of familiar and new faces and a wonderful new Pastor and his family to join in!
All through the week, the children collected school supplies for needy kids for Back-to-School. Donations totaled 2 HUGE Walmart shopping carts as Cory donated to the Buffalo Boys and Girls Club/WGRZ “2 Pack A Backpack 2015” event! Thank you to so many for donating and helping Holy Cross Clarence be part of a caring community!

Operation Christmas Child
Yes, we are doing this awesome ministry again! More information to come soon. Start checking those clearance bins for sales on flip flops and other items to fill up those boxes. See Connie Donnelly to help out, and check out this link for more information on how it works!