Radio Interview
Pastor Nickel recently gave a half hour radio interview for Family Shield Ministries, which was aired on 50+ radio stations last Saturday. To listen, go to this link and click on “What is Truth? with Rev. Jeff Nickel”
Pumpkin Praise Night!
Who: Families with Children in Grades pre-k thru 6th
What: Pumpkin Praise Night (Free Pancake Buffet and Pumpkin Carving fun!)
When: Friday, October 28th @ 6pm (pancake buffet)
7pm (pumpkin carving with interactive Gospel message)
8pm (lighting of the pumpkins)
Where: Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Krampitz Hall
Bring: Your own Pumpkin to Carve and a friend! (carving utensils and candles provided)
RSVP: On the Sign-up Sheet located on the Krampitz Hall Bulletin Board
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Looking for an opportunity to Serve Christ, His Church, and fulfill community service hours? Then please join us on Friday, October 28th @ 5pm in the K-hall Kitchen to help make pancakes and sausage for Pumpkin Praise Night! Supplies and instructions will be provided. Sign-up on the Krampitz Hall bulletin board…
We look forward to serving with you!
Questions? Please call or text Lindsay Gugliuzza @ (716) 435-3007
A Note from Our Intern
I grew up just south of Chicago in the town of Kankakee. Clarence reminds me of home in that they are both a mix between suburban and rural communities. Growing up, I went to St. Paul’s Lutheran Grade school. When I was in third grade, we got a Director of Christian Education (DCE) intern. Mr. K. introduced us to family ministry, showed us that church can be fun, and taught us what it meant to be a servant. If, during my time here, I am half the leader that Mr. K. was, we will all be blessed. In the upcoming months I will be working with the Sunday school, confirmation, youth, young adult, and adult populations. In Concordia University Chicago’s DCE program, I was trained to do all types of ministry, and am excited about the opportunities Holy Cross provides. During my time here at Holy Cross, I pray that you all help me to learn how to be the best christian educator that I can be. I know that I have a lot to learn and look forward to all that you and the Holy Spirit have to teach me! May God bless Holy Cross and our ministry. If you need to contact me, please do so any time at or (815)-573-1888.
Your DCE intern, and partner in ministry,
Samantha Brown
October 1st from 5-6pm
Beginning this October, Holy Cross will be Hosting a once a month Saturday evening devotional experience. We will praise God with some contemporary Christian songs, meditate on the word with a short devotion, and connect with others in God’s love and peace. All are welcome! Mark your calendars for October 1st at 5:00 PM, and please join us for this exciting new devotional experience.
Please contact Samantha with any questions at
Youth Group
Starting in October we will have a bi-weekly youth group for Sr. High youth on Sunday nights from 5-6. Samantha will lead this new group on Oct. 9th, and 23rd. We will meet in the upstairs of the Christian Center and have games, the Word, and tons of fun!!!
Please contact Samantha at with any questions!
Jr. & Sr. High Retreat
Camp Pioneer is having a Jr. Sr. High retreat October 14th at 7pm through the 16th at 12pm. The theme is “By Grace Through Faith.” Campers will explore what it means to have faith by faith, as well as experience all the fun that camp has to offer while meeting new people and making new friends! The cost is less than $85 per camper. Please sign up with Samantha by September 26th. Contact: Samantha at If cost is an issue, please see Samantha, as financial aid is available.
Servant Leadership
Sunday, October 30th, the Jr. & Sr. High will be doing some fall yard work for some individuals in our community who are unable to themselves. This event enables us to go out as leaders in the community through the servanthood of the gospel. Jr. & Sr. high students as well as parents are welcome. Please join us for this fun service opportunity! Did I mention that there will be doughnuts and cider!?
We will starts at 2pm (meet at church) and also you will get a LARGE candy bar if you bring a friend (and so will your friend!)
Please contact Samantha at or (815)-573-1888 so we can anticipate your participation!
“Connect To Discipleship” Training:
What does it mean to be a Christian? While there are many ways to be a Christian, there is only one answer, that is to follow Jesus’ example in all that we do. While this is a “tall order”; and one that we will never perfectly achieve in this lifetime, we are all called to be His disciples. So what does that mean? Well it just so happens that our the LCMS national organization has prepared a program to help us all understand and implement that in our Christian Walk. The program is called “Connect to Discipleship” and Holy Cross has the fantastic opportunity to host onsite training provided by the Synod. Please see the link below to watch a less than two minute video on the program. The seminar will be on Friday, October 14th from6:30 to 9:30 PM and Saturday, October 15th, from 8:30 to noon. Space is limited to the first 18 respondents, so please see Sam Harrison (716-515-5679) or Pastor Nickel if you would like to attend.
Heritage Home
Our fall visit with our Heritage Home friends will take place on Saturday, October 23, at 10 a.m. The Bible filmstrip story will be “The Lost Lamb,” Luke 15 and Psalm 23. We will talk about how Jesus takes care of us as the shepherd took care of the lost lamb. There will be singing, prayer, and a simple craft. This ministry has been in effect for 25 years. The current team is Alfrieda, Ron, and Margaret We invite you to come visit with us (after early service and before late service.)
Rally Day All Church Picnic Summary
Thanks to everyone for making this year’s Christian Education kickoff a big success. Special thanks go to Sam and Lindsay Gugliuzza, for organizing the picnic, and to our grill masters Doug Garlapo and Cataldo Scarantine, as well as Larry Wiepert for setting up the games. But we can’t forget, but too many to name, all the others who supported this by bringing food, setting up and taking down our shelter and seating, plus everyone that joined us to celebrate a new year of educational opportunity. Good discipleship to all!
Update From Council
Risk Management Policy:
After a few false starts Holy Cross has re-booted our Risk Management Policy. If you attended church on August 21st you have already hear about this but here is a brief summary of the new policy adopted by Council and being implemented at this time.
Council has adopted a Risk Management policy that is designed to protect our youth, protect our volunteers and associates, and to protect the church from physical, spiritual, and financial injury. As a part of that policy we have subscribed to a service provided by Protect My Ministry Inc.. This organization will, at our request and with the permission of the associate, to run a confidential criminal background check; but more importantly this organization provides online training for our associates to help prevent injury and protect ourselves. Melinda Wood has agreed to be the Risk Management Coordinator for this. Some may be contacted to enroll in this system and are encouraged to bring any questions to our Pastor or a council member. Please be assured that all background checks are confidential and limited to the Pastor for his review. Parents may also see changes such as permission slips for off premises activities, or requests for more helpers to provide redundant (two deep) levels of supervision. A copy of the policy is available upon request. While this may seem a little “over the top” for a small country church, the world is changing, and it is our responsibility to provide the safest environment for all our members and guests. We appreciate everyone’s help and understanding with this and welcome any suggestions to further improve the safety of all.
AED Training
In preparation for the AEDs (automatic electronic defibrillators) being installed at Holy Cross in October we are holding a Training / Certification Class on Wednesday, October 5th at 6 pm in Krampitz Hall. You can register by contacting Lynda our Church Secretary via or by phone at 634-2332. Addition information will be sent out in an e-mail and if you have questions regarding the class please contact Courtney West at or 580-3441

Jonah Study
There was a fish who once ate a man named Jonah, now it’s our time to be fed by the Word of God! Holy Cross is beginning a once a week Wednesday evening Bible study from 7:00-8:00 PM. Please join us in the month of October as Pastor leads us through the story of Jonah!
Prayer Partners
This year we have 11 confirmation students, and as they go on their journey of learning the word of God we ask that you as a congregation member would keep them in your prayers. We are also looking foe people to sign up to be prayer partners and receive the name of a specific student to pray for. No matter if you think you are terrible at praying, or a master-God hears each beautiful word of your heart. Please prayerfully consider becoming a prayer partner. E-mail to sign up.
Special Invitation to visit with Rev. Bill Wrede Director of Admissions Concordia Seminary St. Louis:
You are invited to meet with Rev. Bill Wrede, Director of Admissions at Concordia Seminary, to discuss seminary education and the path to becoming a pastor or deaconess. Please contact Rev. Wrede at (314) 505-7221 or to schedule an appointment. On Wednesday October 26th Rev. Wrede will be at St. John’s Lutheran School 6950 Ward Road North Tonawanda from 8:30am to 9:30 am. Holy Ghost Lutheran School 6630 Luther Street in Niagara Falls from 1:30pm-2pm, and at St. John’s Lutheran School 4536 S. Buffalo Street in Orchard Park from 3:00pm – 7:00pm in the East Room. Walk-ins are also welcome.