Hey WNYers! One of the simplest things you can do to help a mighty mission is to just save your Dash’s receipts. Dash’s pays us 2.5% for the amount of each receipt. That money in turn goes directly to Habitat for Humanity Buffalo. In 2013 we collected $800 and so far in 2014 the running total is $400. Thanks to Lorraine Woodman for tallying up the receipts and to Jill Carl for bringing them to Dash’s and collecting the checks for Habitat.
There is a collection box in the shape of a house on a table in the Narthex. All you have to do is save your receipts and add them to the box. If we can get everyone doing this we could raise a bunch more money to help Habitat and the awesome work that they do in WNY. Thanks everyone!
For more information on how Dash’s program works, click here.