In The Case for Easter, Lee looks at the story of Jesus’ resurrection and reveals how we can know that it actually took place. He explores the “discrepancies” critics have pointed to in the Gospel accounts, looks at the evidence that Jesus’ tomb was truly empty, and shows how the eyewitness accounts of those who saw Jesus alive after the crucifixion are credible. Lee reveals how all the facts point to the conclusion that led him from atheism to Christianity: Jesus was the Son of God who conquered the grave. This month we will cover the Evidence for the Resurrection and An Excruciation Execution.
Update: Chef George is back after all!! Freshly made will beApple-Cinnamon French Toast with Maple Syrup, Bacon, Fresh Fruit and Coffee…yum!
All sessions are at 9am in K-Hall the first Saturday of each month.
Click the link to THE CASE FOR EASTER.
Please contact Pastor Nickel or Scott Brooks with any questions.