Rally Day: Sunday, September 13th.
This day marks the Sunday School year kickoff, where early service changes back to 8am and we start another year of Sunday School, Confirmation classes and Adult Christian Education at 9:30, in between 8am and 11am services.

This year’s Sunday School Theme:
The cross is the instrument of God’s salvation. In the 2015-2016 Christian education year at Holy Cross, we will look at how the “Word of the Cross” — the good news of Jesus Christ — offers righteousness and gives the Holy Spirit. Sunday School children will learn the saving power of Jesus Christ, who reveals Himself in the message of the cross. Teenagers and adults will learn what the power of God, which comes from the cross of Christ, means for them in their lives.”
Teachers, helpers, and subs. Please consider helping to teach or assisting a teacher with our children’s Christian education.
Rally Day Picnic:
Sunday, September 13th after the second service, under the tent. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex. Please consider helping out with set-up. clean-up. games, etc.
Bring a dish to pass, hot dogs, condiments, and beverages will be provided.
We are looking forward to welcoming our students back for another blessed and exciting year!
We hope you will consider being a part of it!
Dash’s Receipts
Please remember to save those Dash’s receipts and get them turned in! The money we receive goes to Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to Lorraine Woodman who continues to tabulate the receipts.
Habitat Buffalo
Thank you to Holy Cross for the summer gifts that have been used to build/rehab housing with low-income families and volunteers across the city of Buffalo. Home ownership is a dream that has come true for 271 families over the past thirty years. We would also ask your prayers for former President Jimmy ad Mrs. Rosalyn Carter, Habitat’s most famous and long- term volunteers, as they face their current battle with his cancer.
(for more information contact Margaret and Ron Talboys)
Heritage Home
Sunday, September 27, at 10 a.m. will be the next visit with our friends at the Heritage Home just west on Sheridan Drive. The Bible story will be ”Friends Bring a Sick Man to Jesus,” Mark 2:1-12. We will talk about Jesus’ love and staff and friends who care about us when we are sick. We pray, talk, sing, and make a simple project appropriate to the story. These visits have been happening for some 25 years. What a blessing our Lord has given! (for more information contact Margaret and Ron Talboys)
Special Thanks!
A very special “thank you!” goes out to our long time member, Bob Mank, for his generous gift to the Holy Cross Building Fund. Bob’s gift, in excess of $20,000, was made in the memory of his late wife, Helen. Bob made it quite clear that he isn’t doing this for plaudits from us, but rather he was O.K. with us announcing it, as he hopes to be an inspiration and role model for us to follow. There is an ancient Greek proverb, and although not biblical, it is still fitting: “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” Thanks Bob, and not that YOU are old, but we do hope you do get the chance to enjoy fellowship with us in the shade you are giving us.
Women’s Bible Study
Hello September! On Tuesday, September 1st, our member Alfrieda Schurkus will lead us in the meaning of the symbols within the sanctuary of Holy Cross Church. We will meet at Kramptiz Hall at around 9:30am, then proceed into the church. All are welcome to enjoy this informative hour. Coffee and sweets will be available too!
Beginning, Tuesday September 15th, the group will begin an 8 week study on BUSYNESS-Finding God in the Whirlwind by Juanita Ryan. As she writes: “Much of our busyness is necessary to our survival or to our own and others well being. In the whirlwind of our lives, however, it may seem impossible to focus beyond the noise of daily demands. We long for a greater awareness of God with us. This guide explores way of conversing with God in the midst of things, so we can see our day’s work as the joyful service of kneeling before Jesus.”
With this in mind, our first study is based on Matthew 6:19-34 “Live in the Present with Eyes Wide Open”. For September 22nd, we study Isaiah 40:25-31 in the lesson titled: “Receive Strength for the Day from God”. We end the month looking at James 1:1-5, 17, 3:13-17 in the lesson called: “Seek and Live in God’s Wisdom”.
Our usual meeting place is HCCC in the conference room on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 am – 11:00 am. The coffee pot is on and we always have wonderful sweets made by the women! So join us when you can. We would love to have you! It is a great way to begin the day in the study of God’s Word!
Visitation Care
If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634-2332 and/or email to let us know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.
October Criss Cross Deadline:
Please submit any items for the October Criss Cross no later than September 12th. I will need to edit and publish by Thursday the 17th due to be away for a conference. Items can be left on my desk, in my mailbox, or can sent via email to ~Ann